Tanzania Camping Safari

Tanzania Camping Safari inside the National Parks!

Want to experience the “Wild Africa” in an authentic way? A camping safari is for you! Tanzania Budget camping safari packages are the most pocket friendly compared to Tanzania lodge safari packages or Tanzania Luxury safari Packages. Many of our visitors choose to stay in tents in order to be close to nature and to the National Parks’ beautiful landscapes.

Mangokil Adventures clients who choose this option will have their tents assembled for them each evening and collapsed again in the morning by our staff, with the tents being packed away and stored on the vehicle, for use again the following evening. Tanzania budget Camping safaris are rewarding experiences because visitors feel like they’re participating in a real African adventure, but still have all the services of safari drivers, guides, and a chef to take care of all their needs.

while on camping safari you will have a chef who will be preparing delicious fresh foods for breakfast, Lunch and dinner.

An amazing Experience: We regularly receive feedback from guests that they were surprised to be able to enjoy such high levels of service and care, and that the experience was a great deal more comfortable than they anticipated! In the camping safari, tents, mattresses, sleeping bags, chairs, tables, cooking wear and other camping equipment are provided by Mangokil Adventures.

Thinking about safety while camping inside the national parks with wild animals? We’ll be assured that it’s very safe as we have armed rangers patrolling and guarding the campsites at all times.

Tanzania Budget Camping Safari packages



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      Tanzania Cultural Tourism

      Experience the charm of the friendly Tanzanian people first-hand. There are several cultural heritage sites scattered throughout the country where you can spend from ½ day to a week with one of the 120 distinct ethnic groups making up the population.

      At the sites you will encounter natural beauty, including: rain forests, big waterfalls, magnificent views, lots of wild life, and, of course, the charming Tanzanians themselves! Your cultural tour will directly support the villages’ desire to become more self-sufficient, preserve their indigenous culture, and aid environmental conservation efforts.

      Cultural Tourism Program Sites include :

      Babati and Hanang, Engaruka, Ilkiding’a, Gezaulole, Kisangara, Longido, Machame, Mamba and Marangu, Mbeya, Mkuru, Mto wa Mbu, Mulala, Ng’Iresi, Northern Pare Mts,. Pangani, Southern Pare Mts., Western Usambara .

      For more information about cultural tourism programs please contact us.



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          Africa offers a diverse range of vacation experiences with matching standards of accommodation. We are tailor-made safari specialists, which means we create an itinerary around your individual tastes, preferences and interests.

          We know Africa’s best hotels, safari camps and villas because we have personally tried and tested them. You can count on independent, expert advice when you book a safari through us.

          Tanzania offers a vast array of accommodation options ranging from tented fly-in camps to all-inclusive luxury resorts. Whether you’re looking for a rustic hut on a deserted beach or a luxury lodge perched on the rim of a volcanic crater, Tanzania has accommodation to suit every taste and budget. Below is a list of properties in Tanzania.

          Need some advice? Our friendly safari experts are on standby to find you a place that suits your every need and will assist you with every step of your journey.


              READY TO GO ON SAFARI?

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              Parque Nacional Isla Rubondo

              Officially Tanzania’s smallest national park, tiny Rubondo Island on the heart of Africa’s largest lake packs a lot into its 240 square kilometres. Known as the Jewel of Victoria, Rubondo Island National Park bvoasts a unique diversity of flora and fauna including the endemic Sitatunga.

              Parque Nacional Montañas de Mahale

              Un breve resumen…

              Este remoto parque ofrece algunas de las mayores atracciones para los visitantes, desde safaris a pie, observación de chimpancés en su hábitat natural, un ascenso al monte Nkungwe y esnórquel en el lago Tanganyika. Accesible es solo por barco o por aire, por lo que lo convierte en el menos accesible pero precisamente su ubicación remota lo hace en uno de los mas hermosos.

              Detalle del Parque Nacional Montañas de Mahale

              Tamaño: 1613 kilómetros cuadrados.
              Ubicación: oeste de Tanzania, cerca del lago Tanganyika.
              Mejor época: de mayo a noviembre.
              Para hacer: trekking con chimpancés, caminatas, campamentos y pesca.
              Conocido por: Chimpancés.

              Al igual que su vecino del norte, Gombe, el Parque Nacional Mahale es mejor conocido por tener una población de chimpancés salvajes de alrededor de 800 individuos.

              Solo accesible por barco o avión, el Parque Nacional Mahale es una frontera salvaje que ofrece caminatas brillantes y la oportunidad de escalar el imponente Monte Nkungwe. La densa maleza y el entorno montañoso del parque lo convierten en un parque para personas en buen estado físico, pero recompensa a los exploradores intrépidos con una gran cantidad de animales y aves.

              El cercano lago Tanganyika es un gran lugar para bucear, nadar y pescar también.

              Mahale es un parque único, remoto,  un lugar de ensueño en el que tendrás que frotarte los ojos cada día de tu estancia.

              RESERVA TU SAFARI

                ¿ESTAS LISTO PARA TU SAFARI?

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                  Parque Nacional de Arusha

                  Arusha National Park is a perfect trip for day safaris, as it is close to both Arusha and Moshi. With terrain that ranges from open savannah to tropical rainforest, the park is dominated by the shadow of Mt. Meru – whose summit offers an unparalleled view of Mt. Kilimanjaro.

                  Ascensión al monte Kilimanjaro

                  Tanzania es el hogar de la montaña más alta de África y la montaña independiente más alta del mundo, el monte Kilimanjaro está dominado por la impresionante vista que ofrece.

                  Parque Nacional de Serengeti

                  The home of the legendary Great Wildebeest Migration, the name Serengeti has become synonymous with the African safari experience. The seemingly unending savannah plains of the park are home to Africa’s most famous animals as well as a cast of lesser known but no less interesting animals.

                  Parque Nacional Gombe

                  It’s a great place to see chimps up close and personal as many of the family groups are habituated to humans. With the possible exception of Mahale Mountains National Park , no other park in Africa can offer such a magnificent experience with chimpanzees.

                  Parque Nacional Katavi

                  The Ruaha National Park is a fantastic place for those with a thirst for for blood to see predators and prey interacting as they have for millennia.